Isac Newton was
born on 25th December 1642 at Woolsthrope,Lincolnshire in
England. He was an English Mathematician, Astronomer, theologian, author and
physicist. He was recognised as a key figure in the scientificevolution. His
first book Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy published
in 1687,laid foundation for Classical Mechanics. He was
the founder of lawsof Motion andUniversal
He was a fellow of Trinity College and Maths Professor at the University
of Cambridge. He was a devout, but unorthodox, Christian who privately rejected
the doctrines of the Trinity. He refused to take the Holy orders from the
church of England.
Beyond his work on mathematical science, he dedicated much of his time
to the study of alchemy and biblical chronology, but most of his works in those
areas remain unpublished until long after his death. He was a member of
Parliament for the University of Cambridge and also served as a president of
the Royal Society. He used his mathematical description of gravity to prove
Kepler’s laws of planetary motion. Newton built the first practical reflecting
telescope and developed a sophisticated theory of colour based on the
observation that a prism separateswhite light into the colours of visible
spectrum. His work on light was collected in his highly influential book Optics,published
in 1704.
Newton’s laws of Motion are as follows,
Newton’s first law:-
The first law states that every object in a state of
uniform motion will remain in that state of Motion unless an external force
acts on it. This law is also called as the law of Inertia and
was pioneered by Galileo.
Newton’s second law:-
The second law states that force equals mass
times of acceleration. The equation follows
F(t) = m. a(t).
It actually
implies the first law, since when f(t) =0 (no applied force) the acceleration
a(t)=0, implying a constant velocity v(t) (the velocity is simply an integral
with respect to time of a(t) =v(t)).
Newton’s third law:-
The third law states that every action has
an equal and opposite reaction. It implies the conservation of momentum. When
one object pushes a second object at some point of contact using an applied
force there must be an equal and opposite force from the second object that
cancels the applied force.
This law states that every particle attracts every
other particle in the universe with a force which is directly proportional to
the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the
distance between their centres.
contributing so many valuable standards to the science Newton died on 20th March
1727 at his age of 84. He is best known as The Genius Who Explained
Gravity. His body was buried in the Westminster Abbey.
Written by,
Nithya Sree.,
I B.A English.,
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