Monday, 9 September 2019

Francis Bacon was a prose writer of renaissance age. He was a great philosopher with scientific thoughts and was a goal setter. His main goals were to serve his country, to serve the church and to learn the truth. His interest in science and reasoning had led him to write critically about the aspects of life. He wrote numerous essays which remain popular and receives appreciation till today. Being an essayist his main aim was to share the wisdom of life.
Speaking in general about his works, one of the most important and noticeable point is the style of his writing. Bacon’s style is most remarkable for its exactness and preciseness. Each sentence of his essays contain multiple meanings. He combines wisdom with previty and his short pithy sayings became famous as mottoes and useful expressions. His style of writing is called Epigrammatic style which means compact and condensed form of writing. He is an expert in expressing truth. This essay can be stated as a best example of his way of expressing truth.
Contrasting between his great intellect and his mediocre stature as a man, Alexander Pope called him the ‘wisest, brightest and meanest of kind. ‘ He was successful in his career and rose to the high office of the Lord Chancellor but was later convicted for misusing his position by accepting bribes. Throughout his life, he displays a curious mixture of two contradictory qualities which include intellectual strength and moral weakness. On the one hand, he was a selfish politician, on the other he was a man of science and learning who wanted to systematise learning and bring all the knowledge within his province.
Bacon throws light on the value of truth from different angles. One is the philosophical angle and the other is practical angle. According to him ‘ Truth is for the highest good of mankind.‘ He believes that the knowledge of truth elevates man to godly heights. The enquiry of truth leads man through virtuous paths though it is very tough. His usage of condensed form of writing explains all the virtues of speaking truth in simple and deep manner. His Epigrammatic form of writing induces people to explore much about the impacts of speaking truth. He says that since truth is difficult to attain, many people easily choose the way of falsehood.
The author says that there may be some people like Jesting Pilate who show utter indifference to the knowledge of truth, such people think that Truth will put an end to all the curiosity and make men mentally dull. Bacon tells that falsehood will help only to the people like poets and merchants. He compares truth with daylight and falsehood with candlelight, truth with pearl again and falsehood with diamond. He compares truth with pearl because it shows what is visible in the naked eye. It cannot show anything by adding unrealistic elements. But whereas falsehood can show something apparent in dark like how a diamond glitters in the varied lights of candles.
However charming the life of falsehood may be, however beautiful ornamentation may be done on gold with the mixture of alloys, the value of truth cannot be denied. Men, according to Bacon, shall degenerate if the value of truth is not upheld. Truth illuminates the spirit of man and establishes faith in God. Truth is utmost important in every aspect of business, civil or life.
Thus essay by Bacon conveys that truth is difficult to acquire without hard work because man is ever reluctant to work hard. Though a person cannot stay truthful all the time, he should try to be truthful at least to his own self. Falsehood will never stay permanent but whereas truth will. Falsehood gives a temporary pleasure to a person in all the circumstances and not a permanent solution.
As is typical of Bacon’s essays ‘ Of Truth ‘ is also a Balance of the idealistic and the realistic, and thus a true guide for social and moral living. Hence this essay merely states that the distinction between truth and falsehood is not black and white. 

Written by.,
Nithya Sree...
II B.A English..

Friday, 8 March 2019



Image result for doctor faustus
Christopher Marlowe, the great predecessor of William Shakespeare, a shoemaker‘s son was born on 6th February 1564 at Canterbury. He was educated at the King’s school in Canterbury. After completing his school he went to Benet College, Cambridge. He got his B.A degree in 1854 and M.A degree in 1857. After education he settled in London and joined the Lord Admiral’s Company of Players and slowly groomed as a dramatist.
Marlowe‘s  ‘Tamburlaine the Great ‘ was produced in 1590. It was obviously a young man’s work and its influence on English Tragedy was great. ‘The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus ‘ was produced in 1588. Faustus is rather a series of detached scenes than a finished drama. Though there are some noble scenes which are marvellously impressive. ‘The Famous Tragedy of The Rich Jew of Malta’ was his another play published after 1588. It was unequal and degenerates into a vulgar caricature. ‘Edward’s II’ produced about 1590 was the maturest of Marlowe‘s plays and it also depicts the epic nature of his genius.
At the very beginning of the play, the chorus introduces the protagonist of the play Dr Faustus and says all about his fortunes and misfortunes. Faustus studied Theology and required an admirable scholarship and was also conferred with the title of DOCTOR. But very soon he grew vain and tried to soar beyond the human limits. He wanted to enjoy a luxurious life with the potent of the Art of Necromancy. So he sold his soul to  Lucifer , the supreme monarch of the burning hell for twenty four years of his life in voluptuousness. He tries to repent in some situations but all his efforts of sincere repentance are vain and his sinful soul was taken to the Hell on the appointed day.
After being conferred with the doctorate title in theology, Faustus grew his thirst for knowledge. He had a severe inner conflict between choosing various subjects like philosophy, metaphysics, medicine and law. Finally he took a decision to parctice the art of black magic. To be well trained in the art he got help from his magician friends the German Valdes and Cornelius. They gave him a book to practise the art.
Now since the day declining and the constellation called Orion is threatening the thunder and rain from the southern hemisphere, Faustus begun conjuring the infernal spirits of the Hell. He wrote the name of Jehovah within a circle and started blaspheming the name of Christ and condemned the Holy Scriptures. He asked Mephistopheles, assistant of the great lucifer to appear before him. The devil appeared in front of him. But he looked odd so Faustus ordered him to change his appearance and reappear in the form of Franciscan Friar.  The devil also appeared and said that he won’t serve for anyone without the permission of his lord. Faustus says him to get the permission of his lord and meet him in the midnight at his study room.
The devil also gets the permission of his lord and meets Faustus and tells him all about the condition laid by his lord. Faustus also agrees and signs a deed of his own blood and sells his soul to lucifer for twenty four years. After signing the deed Faustus has contaminated his soul with a great sin by his mean act. In some situations good angel appears in front of him and says him to repent to God and his repentance will cleanse his contaminated soul. But at the same time the evil angel also appears in front of him and tempts him with the power of magic. Now Faustus lives a luxurious life with the absolute features of the art. The seven deadly sins Pride, Covetousness, Wrath, Envy, Gluttony, Sloth and Lechery appear before Faustus and entertain him.
Faustus keeps him engaged in discovering the secrets of astronomy. He journeyed far and wide so delightfully. He visited the beautiful city of trier, along the coast of France and saw the River Maine falling into Rhine, passed on to the Naples and the rich plains of Campania whose beautiful and gorgeous buildings were so pleasing and saw the golden tomb of Virgil and then shifted to Venice, Padua and other famous cities and finally he went to Rome. After reaching the Rome he plays a game with pope, then returns back to his home. Here he plays a horse game an old man and then visits the emperor’s Palace at Innsbruck.
At Last the appointed day arrived. Now only one hour left. The devils scared him all the way he tried to repent to God. He sees the holy blood of Christ over the sky and thinks that at least half a drop would purify his soul and save him from the devils. But he vain. Finally the clock strikes twelve and the gates of Hell open to receive Faustus’s soul.
Therefore the author through this work proves that  “The wages of sin is death “. Faustus is responsible for his disastrous end.

Written by.,
        Nithya Sree.,
        I B.A English.,
        KG CAS.,
        Coimbatore- 641035.,


Image result for IMPACTS OF SELFIE

In the modern world to comfort the lifestyle of the younger generation we have a pacifier called “selfie”, like a pacifier to the infant. It facilitates everyone to capture their photos by themselves. Actually it is a weird trick but it has worst impact on the society,especially for girls. AS far I have seen so many people standing in the public places and taking selfies and uploading them in Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, etc.
I do not say that taking selfies should be completely avoided but it should be limited. It may sound bad in the ears of the society, but we all should remember that “Prevention is better than cure. “ Today’s modern lifestyle made all of us addicted to such kind of customs.
Let me ask you all a simple question. Whether likes and comments for your picture in Facebook or Instagram page is the only way to show yourself to this world?. No, definitely not. If so why don’t you take up some social tasks instead of wasting your time in editing your own pictures.
Let me quote a simple example to make it clear. A girl aged 25 was about to be married. A month before her marriage she went out on a tour with her family and friends. At that time she posed for selfie and uploaded it in her Facebook profile. She did not notice a man standing back of her and looking for something around. Unfortunately the man who stood back of her was her Facebook friend and he commented to that post that she was his wife. This was seen by that girl’s groom’s family members and her marriage was stopped. Recently in kodaikanal a couple in sake of taking selfies faced death.
These are the few harmful impacts of taking selfies in public places. I do not say that taking selfies should be completely avoided but it should be limited. It is good to avoid selfies in public places to avoid unwanted issues in future. Always remember one thing, “Technology should be treated as a guest, otherwise it will become a pest. “ OF SELFIE.
In the modern world to comfort the lifestyle of the younger generation we have a pacifier called “selfie”, like a pacifier to the infant. It facilitates everyone to capture their photos by themselves. Actually it is a weird trick but it has worst impact on the society,especially for girls. AS far I have seen so many people standing in the public places and taking selfies and uploading them in Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, etc.
I do not say that taking selfies should be completely avoided but it should be limited. It may sound bad in the ears of the society, but we all should remember that “Prevention is better than cure. “ Today’s modern lifestyle made all of us addicted to such kind of customs.
Let me ask you all a simple question. Whether likes and comments for your picture in Facebook or Instagram page is the only way to show yourself to this world?. No, definitely not. If so why don’t you take up some social tasks instead of wasting your time in editing your own pictures.
Let me quote a simple example to make it clear. A girl aged 25 was about to be married. A month before her marriage she went out on a tour with her family and friends. At that time she posed for selfie and uploaded it in her Facebook profile. She did not notice a man standing back of her and looking for something around. Unfortunately the man who stood back of her was her Facebook friend and he commented to that post that she was his wife. This was seen by that girl’s groom’s family members and her marriage was stopped. Recently in kodaikanal a couple in sake of taking selfies faced death.
These are the few harmful impacts of taking selfies in public places. I do not say that taking selfies should be completely avoided but it should be limited. It is good to avoid selfies in public places to avoid unwanted issues in future. Always remember one thing, “Technology should be treated as a guest, otherwise it will become a pest. “

Written by.,
              Nithya Sree..
              I B.A English.,
              KG CAS .,,
              Coimbatore - 641035,,,

Thursday, 31 January 2019



Image result for self defense
Self defense is a life hack that both men and women can afford to. In the present times women needs self defense comparing to men. Statistics indicates that one in three women will be a victim of some type of violent attack in her lifetime.
 You may probably feel something right but it isn’t actually means that you are safe. Many of us fail to hear an inner voice within us telling us to be aware of something bad that is about to happen. But we realise it when we face it. If you have an opportunity to escape from a situation before it turns bad make the most of it.
 Expecting someone to come to your rescue and help you in all the situations is not possible all the time. But being prepared to face any kind of situation will be a better alternative to keep you aware and awake of all the dangers around you.
In the sense of a woman’s self defense, she should be strong both physically and mentally to face a critical situation. Just in the common thinking of a modern girl, she suffers from a disorder called Spotlight Syndrome. That is they always think that a spotlight called society is focusing on them which tempts them to give more importance to their outlook. This shows that they are not aware of their society. Outer appearance which attracts the society in bad sense is the reason for a girl to be victimised.
At present in the changing trends of the society it is important for each one of us to change ourselves accordingly to the changes of the society. But we should be prepared all the time to face the bad eyes of the society. As for that reason we should know some tricks to prevent us. Girl children must be trained from their childhood for self defense purposes. They should be properly trained to face any bad situation in life.
Courage is the only powerful weapon for self defense. Only if you feel discouraged by a demanding situation, it adds power to your opponent. So be bold to face all the situations in your life.

written by.,
Nithya Sree.,
I B.A English.,
KG Cas.,



Image result for rain water harvesting
Water is a major component in all living systems. Without water nothing can live on the earth. It is the true elixir of human beings, animal life and plant life. Water is becoming more and more precious as its supply continues to be scarce throughout the world. So water conservation has become the need of the day. Hope this blog will create awareness of ground water recharging by harvesting rain water.
Water scarcity: Rain water is the main source of water. Rain water gets into the soil and then reaches the water table. We make use of this ground water by digging  bore Wells. Recently the ground water level is going down at an alarming rate. In order to prevent this, we should harvest rain water. India receives good rainfall during monsoon. But most of the water falling on the surface runs off into gutters and rivers. It leaves only a very little amount of water to get into the soil. Thus the surplus rain water can be harvested.
Causes for Fresh Water Crisis: The world is heading towards a water crisis due to natural and man-made hazards. Monsoon failure, rising population, growing industrialization, expanding agriculture, irregular irrigation, over use of the ground water, lack of awareness in rain water harvesting,etc are some of the reasons for fresh water crisis. According to the recent report by the UNITED NATIONS Organisation, about  2/3  of the population will suffer severe water stress within thirty years.
Rain Water Harvesting : Rain water harvesting means collecting rain water and storing it underground for later use. Rain water, falling on the roofs of buildings and court yards, can be collected through pipes and stored in underground tanks. The main idea in harvesting rain water is to check the run off water. It helps to meet the increasing demand for water and also prevent the flooding of roads.
Role of Government : In our country, the Ministry of Water Resources is endeavouring to make rain water harvesting a part of everyday life in our villages and cities as a people’s movement. The Government of Tamil Nadu leads the Nation in implementing rain water harvesting programme. It has made it mandatory for all houses and buildings in the state. Realiszng the importance of recharging ground water, the CGWB(Central Ground Water Board) is taking steps to encourage it through rainwater harvesting in the capital and elsewhere.
Therefore rain water harvesting increases water availability by checking the declining water table. It improves the quality of ground water by diluting the salt content. It also prevents soil erosion and flooding especially in urban areas. Every individual should feel the necessity of harvesting rain water. It is the only solution to overcome water scarcity. In short, rain water harvesting is must for the sustaining of all living beings.
                     “Don’t sing  ‘Rain, Rain go away,
                      but sing,  ‘Rain, Rain come today,
                     let’s harvest you without delay. “

writtten by.,
Nitrhyaa Sree.,

Saturday, 29 December 2018



Image result for pollution
Effects of Soil pollution“EVIL” IMPACTS OF POLLUTION.
Man is polluting the environment intentionally and ignorantly. The undesirable change in the quality of air, water and soil may be called as pollution. It harms the health and life of humanity. Pollution is one of the evils brought about by the growth of science and technology. Man is responsible for polluting all the components of nature by adding impurities to them.
Pollutingourbreath : Air is essential for our life. We breathe in oxygen from air. Our health depends on the quality of air we breathe. Factories and industries let out smoke. Toxic gases found in the smoke pollute the air. The intake of polluted air causes diseases like lung cancer, asthma and nervous disorders. Due to this pollution the ozone layer gets depleted. It results in the entry of harmful ultraviolet radiation into the earth causing diseases like skin cancer.
Contaminating the elixir : No life is possible without water. Pure drinking water is necessary for the healthy survival of humanity. Water gets polluted when toxic and acidic wastes are disposed off into it. This will contaminate the water. This contaminated water helps the growth of disease causing germs. These pathogenic germs will cause diseases such as jaundice, typhoid, cholera, dysenteryetc.
Impairingthepeace: Noise pollution is another menace. A loud unpleasant sound that causes discomfort is called noise. We experience the noise during the festivals, political functions, etc. People who are exposed to excessive noise may suffer from hearing impairment. Noise pollution also causes peptic ulcer, psychological tension and nervousness.
Maltreating the land:Land pollution is caused by the accumulation of non-degradable pollutants such as plastics, polythene bags etc. These materials cover the soil surface in the due course of time, the soil becomes rigid and loses its fertility. Polythene bags have been banned in many cities recently. The excessive use of fertilizers and pesticides has their impact on human beings.
Control measures :Thefirstandforemoststep is to create awareness about the harmful effects of pollution. Factories should adopt strict pollution control measures. Use of non-conventional energy sources such as solar energy and wind energy should be encouraged. Bio-fertilizers should be used in agriculture. Deforestation should totally be stopped. Green plants are to be cultivated around the industries. This will ensure not only the reduction of noise pollution but also render fresh air.
Unless some measures are taken to control pollution as its source, the pollutants will certainly pose as a hazard to human health or threaten the efficiency of agricultural production. By controlling pollution, we can breathe pure air, drink pure water and live in a noise-free environment forever. Pollution – free environment is the best legacy that we can hand down to posterity.
“Let us promise not to pollute

       Nature will give us her salute. “




Jesus is hanging on the cross, while a soldier wearing armor points at him. Other soldiers are present, some riding horses. A group of people on the right mourn the death of Christ.  This is the second photograph of this scene of the Cyclorama. Image ID: 81787 shows more of the left half of the Crucifixion.

                                    AN ANALYSIS OF SECOND  CRUCIFIXION.
       The second crucifixion deals with the death of Mahatma Gandhi, while the first one is about the death of Jesus Christ. On 30th January 1948,the man who brought the mighty British empire was killed by the people for whom he faught for.This day is remembered as Martyr’s day in India. The second crucifixion is written by Larry Collins, the author of Fall from Grace and co-author with Dominique Lapierre , of thebestselling Is Paris Burning? and l’ll Dress You in the Morning. For more than ten’ years Collins was a foreign correspondent for UPI and then for Newseek. DominiqueLapierre is the author of the best – selling City of Joy  andco-author of Is Paris Burning? And O Jerusalem.He lived in France and was a senior reporter and editor for many years in Paris Match.
After India got independence in 1947, Jawaharlal Nehru became the first Prime Minister and Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel became the first deputy Prime Minister. Patel was not satisfied with the works of Nehru. There was a disagreement between Nehru and Patel. Patel took this issue to Gandhi. He said that he was not happy with Nehru and how he worked as a Prime Minister and if Nehru did not change his way of working he would resign from his post. Gandhi knew that without Patel, Nehru would not be able to handle a newly independent country. He asked Patel to promise that he won’t resign from the post of Deputy Prime Minister
Mahatma was known for his punctuality. In the mean time discussing about the serious issue regarding the disagreement between Nehru and Patel, Gandhiji was late for the evening prayer. The actual time for the prayer was five in the evening. But Gandhiji arrived late. On his arrival to Birla Bhawanhe wasassassinatedbyNaturam Godse whohadbeenalready waiting there for Gandhiji‘s arrival.
The official announcement of the death news was delayed to find out whether the assassin was Hindu or Moslem. If the assassin turned out to be a Moslem, India would face a most ghastly massacre. The director of AIR delayed the news and announced that the assassin was identified as Hindu. Thus the slaughter was averted.
Lord Mountbatten,the firstGovernor General of India, reached Birla House on hearing this news. Already the two great leaders Nehru and Patel were sitting overwhelmed with sorrow. Already Gandhiji had told Mountbatten about the disagreement between Nehru and Patel and asked him to bring them together. Moved by his words the two leaders embraced each other.
After completing this Mountbatten paid his attention towards the funeral of Gandhiji. He suggested that Gandhiji‘s body should be taken in a special train throughout the country, giving millions of people a  chance for the last darshan of their greatleader. But Gandhiji‘s secretary said that Gandhi had expressed his wish that his body would be cremated within twenty four hours as per Hindu custom. The two leaders unwillingly consented to the idea.
Mountbatten asked Nehru to address the mourning nation. Nehru said
“ The light has gone out of our lives and there is darkness everywhere. I don’t know what to say you and how to say. Our beloved leader, Bapu, as we called him, the father of our nation was no more. The light has gone out, I said, and yet I was wrong. For the light that has shone in this country was no ordinary light. The light that illumined this country for these many years will illumine this country for many more years, and a thousand years later, that light will be seen in this country and the world will see it and it will give solace to innumerable hearts. “
The death news of Gandhiji spreaded like a fire. The light whose disappearance Nehru mourned belonged not only to India but to the whole world. The news moved to London right from King George IV down to the common man. Tributes poured in from Paris, South Africa, the Vatican, the US and Pakistan. India reacted to the news in the sorrowing silence of a real hartal. People from the nearby states reached Delhi to have a last glimpse of their leader. Gandhiji‘s body was placed on the second floor on the open balcony of the Birla House for public view. There were trouble spots too. The headquarters of the Hindu Maha Sabha and the R.S.S in the cities across the nation were attacked. So they decided to conduct the funeral with the help of military.
The next day Gandhiji was killed Hindustan Standard printed a single paragraph as editorial
“ Gandhiji has been killed by his own people for whose redemption he lived. This second crucifixion in the history of the world has been enacted on Friday – the same day Jesus was done to death one thousand nine hundred and fifteen years ago. Father forgive us. “
Thus Gandhiji‘s death is a great loss to the whole world. He will remain in all our hearts as Mahatma forever.



Thursday, 13 December 2018



Image result for isaac newton 
               Isac Newton was born on 25th December 1642 at Woolsthrope,Lincolnshire in England. He was an English Mathematician, Astronomer, theologian, author and physicist. He was recognised as a key figure in the scientificevolutionHis first book Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy published in 1687,laid foundation for Classical Mechanics. He was the founder of lawsof Motion andUniversal Gravitation.
He was a fellow of Trinity College and Maths Professor at the University of Cambridge. He was a devout, but unorthodox, Christian who privately rejected the doctrines of the Trinity. He refused to take the Holy orders from the church of England.
Beyond his work on mathematical science, he dedicated much of his time to the study of alchemy and biblical chronology, but most of his works in those areas remain unpublished until long after his death. He was a member of Parliament for the University of Cambridge and also served as a president of the Royal Society. He used his mathematical description of gravity to prove Kepler’s laws of planetary motion. Newton built the first practical reflecting telescope and developed a sophisticated theory of colour based on the observation that a prism separateswhite light into the colours of visible spectrum. His work on light was collected in his highly influential book Optics,published in 1704.
Newton’s laws of Motion are as follows,
Newton’s first law:-
                           The first law states that every object in a state of uniform motion will remain in that state of Motion unless an external force acts on it. This law is also called as the law of Inertia and was pioneered by Galileo.
Newton’s second law:-
                              The second law states that force equals mass times of acceleration. The equation follows
F(t) = m. a(t).
               It actually implies the first law, since when f(t) =0 (no applied force) the acceleration a(t)=0, implying a constant velocity v(t) (the velocity is simply an integral with respect to time of a(t) =v(t)).
Newton’s third law:-
                              The third law states that every action has an equal and opposite reaction. It implies the conservation of momentum. When one object pushes a second object at some point of contact using an applied force there must be an equal and opposite force from the second object that cancels the applied force.
                                                                                              This law states that every particle attracts every other particle in the universe with a force which is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between their centres.
               After contributing so many valuable standards to the science Newton died on 20th March 1727 at his age of 84. He is best known as The Genius Who Explained Gravity. His body was buried in the Westminster Abbey.

Written by,
           Nithya Sree., 
           I B.A English.,
           KG CAS.,

Monday, 29 October 2018



           Charles Dickens was one of the most popular writers of all times. He created some of the world’s most popular and well-known characters and is generally regarded as the greatest novelist of the Victorian age.
He was born in Portsmouth in England on 7th February 1812. Dickens was the 2nd son of among his eight children. His father John Dickens was a naval clerk and his mother Elizabeth Barrow aspired to be a teacher. Despite his parents’ best efforts, the family remained poor. In 1832, his family moved to Camden town, a poor neighbourhood in London. By then the family’s financial situation had grown direct, as his father had a bad habit of living beyond the means of the family.
Eventually John Dickens was sent to prison for debt in 1824. At that time Dickens was only 12 years old. He was forced to leave school and work to fulfil the needs of his family. He worked in a boot-blacking factory alongside of the river Thames. His early childhood experiences were much like those depicted in the English novel ‘David Copperfield. ‘  He felt abandoned and betrayed by the adults who were supposed to take care of him. These sentiments later became a recurring theme in his writings.
Although Dickens received little formal education, he taught to himself and became a reporter of parliamentary debates for the morning chronicle. He began to publish sketches in various periodicals which were subsequently re-published as sketches by Boz. Then Dickens started publishing the posthumous papers of Pickwick club which became widely popular among the readers.
Dickens published Oliver Twist in 1837. It follows the life of an orphan living in the streets. Oliver Twist, the eponymous character, struggles through awful conditions in which the poor orphaned children of the mid 19th century London were compelled to live under pretense and dominance, Oliver is forced to wear a mask and part with his rightful inheritance. One of the early examples of social novel, that satirizes many social problems of the times.
It was followed by  Nicholas Nickelby ‘  in 1838 and  The old curiosity shop’  in 1841. After finishing ‘Warnaby Rudge’  in 1842, Dickens and his wife Kate embraked on a five month lecture tour to the United States. Upon their return Dickens wrote ‘American Notes for General Circulation ‘, a sarcastic travelogue criticising American culture and materialism. From 1849 to 1850, Dickens engaged himself in the preparation of ‘David Copperfield ‘, the first work of its kind, no one had ever written a novel that simply followed a character through his everyday life. In writing it, Dickens tapped into his own personal experiences, from his difficult childhood to his work as a journalist. Although David Copperfield is not considered as Dickens’ best work, it was his personal favorite.
During the 1850’s, Dickens suffered from two losses, the death of his daughter and his father. He also separated from his wife during that decade. His novels also began to express darkened world view at that time. Coming out of the dark novel period, in 1859,Dickens published ‘A Tale of Two Cities ‘, which is highly considered as his best known work of historical fiction.
He was met with a train accident in 1865 and the injuries were permanent. On 9th June 1870,Dickens suffered from stroke and died at his age of 58. He was buried at the poet’s corner at Westminster Abbey, with thousands of mourners gathering at the beloved author’s grave site characters in the novel Oliver Twist..

Written by.,
I B.A English.,
Kg Cas.,

OF TRUTH   CRITICAL ANALYSIS ON FRANCIS BACON’S  “OF TRUTH. “ Francis Bacon was a prose writer of renaissance age. He was a great phil...