Francis Bacon was a prose writer of renaissance age. He was a great philosopher with scientific thoughts and was a goal setter. His main goals were to serve his country, to serve the church and to learn the truth. His interest in science and reasoning had led him to write critically about the aspects of life. He wrote numerous essays which remain popular and receives appreciation till today. Being an essayist his main aim was to share the wisdom of life.
Speaking in general about his works, one of the most important and noticeable point is the style of his writing. Bacon’s style is most remarkable for its exactness and preciseness. Each sentence of his essays contain multiple meanings. He combines wisdom with previty and his short pithy sayings became famous as mottoes and useful expressions. His style of writing is called Epigrammatic style which means compact and condensed form of writing. He is an expert in expressing truth. This essay can be stated as a best example of his way of expressing truth.
Contrasting between his great intellect and his mediocre stature as a man, Alexander Pope called him the ‘wisest, brightest and meanest of kind. ‘ He was successful in his career and rose to the high office of the Lord Chancellor but was later convicted for misusing his position by accepting bribes. Throughout his life, he displays a curious mixture of two contradictory qualities which include intellectual strength and moral weakness. On the one hand, he was a selfish politician, on the other he was a man of science and learning who wanted to systematise learning and bring all the knowledge within his province.
Bacon throws light on the value of truth from different angles. One is the philosophical angle and the other is practical angle. According to him ‘ Truth is for the highest good of mankind.‘ He believes that the knowledge of truth elevates man to godly heights. The enquiry of truth leads man through virtuous paths though it is very tough. His usage of condensed form of writing explains all the virtues of speaking truth in simple and deep manner. His Epigrammatic form of writing induces people to explore much about the impacts of speaking truth. He says that since truth is difficult to attain, many people easily choose the way of falsehood.
The author says that there may be some people like Jesting Pilate who show utter indifference to the knowledge of truth, such people think that Truth will put an end to all the curiosity and make men mentally dull. Bacon tells that falsehood will help only to the people like poets and merchants. He compares truth with daylight and falsehood with candlelight, truth with pearl again and falsehood with diamond. He compares truth with pearl because it shows what is visible in the naked eye. It cannot show anything by adding unrealistic elements. But whereas falsehood can show something apparent in dark like how a diamond glitters in the varied lights of candles.
However charming the life of falsehood may be, however beautiful ornamentation may be done on gold with the mixture of alloys, the value of truth cannot be denied. Men, according to Bacon, shall degenerate if the value of truth is not upheld. Truth illuminates the spirit of man and establishes faith in God. Truth is utmost important in every aspect of business, civil or life.
Thus essay by Bacon conveys that truth is difficult to acquire without hard work because man is ever reluctant to work hard. Though a person cannot stay truthful all the time, he should try to be truthful at least to his own self. Falsehood will never stay permanent but whereas truth will. Falsehood gives a temporary pleasure to a person in all the circumstances and not a permanent solution.
As is typical of Bacon’s essays ‘ Of Truth ‘ is also a Balance of the idealistic and the realistic, and thus a true guide for social and moral living. Hence this essay merely states that the distinction between truth and falsehood is not black and white.
Written by.,
Nithya Sree...
II B.A English..